Beerburrum to Nambour
Rail Upgrade Project
Client: Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) and Arup
Industry sector: Transport infrastructure
Services: Ecology and biodiversity, Aboriginal cultural heritage management, historical heritage
Location: Sunshine Coast, QLD
About this Project
The project
The Beerburrum to Nambour Rail Upgrade Project (the Project) covers approximately 40 km of the North Coast Line within the Sunshine Coast region in South East Queensland. The Project aims to provide additional track capacity, reliability and increased passenger and freight services to the growing Sunshine Coast region.
Our role in the project
During the early stages of the Project, Niche was engaged to provide ecological services to the Project, including the provision of an Ecological Gap Analysis (Gap Analysis), ecological surveys and technical reporting. Drawing on this experience, Niche then subsequently provided heritage management services during the development stage of the Project, including delivery of a Cultural Heritage Risk Assessment (CHRA) and Historical Heritage Assessment (HHA).
“Niche has provided a high quality standard of consultancy and reporting to support the B2N Project and the Kabi Kabi First Nations People. The application of their expertise to the local context and sensitive approach to cultural heritage matters has greatly assisted TMR in maintaining positive community relationships.”
Melanie Dei Rossi, Project Director, TMR
Project highlights
The Niche heritage team designed a fieldwork methodology and conducted fieldwork surveys with representatives of the Kabi Kabi First Nation Traditional Owner Native Title Claim Group. This survey further defined the cultural heritage constraints for the Project and formulated practical management recommendations for TMR to implement. Historical heritage was also assessed and reported on in the form of a Historical Heritage Assessment.
The Niche ecology team designed a field survey methodology to address Commonwealth and State environmental approvals. Niche also coordinated technical specialists to undertake targeted threatened flora and fauna field surveys. Field survey results were summarised in technical reports and advice to support a Commonwealth Matters Report and State Matters Report for the Project.