HumeLink transmission project receives NSW Government approval.

November 19, 2024

News & Insights

Biodiversity Development Assessment Report delivered by Niche

The HumeLink transmission project received approval from the NSW Government on the 14th November 2024, making it one of the largest transmission projects to be approved in the State’s history. The approval means the project will now proceed to the Commonwealth Government for final determination.

Niche is a key contributor to the legislative approval process for the HumeLink project, leading the delivery of the Biodiversity Development Assessment Report (BDAR).

Niche acknowledges the dedication and leadership of our team who have worked tirelessly on this project, including Simon Tweed, Chani Wheeler, Sian Griffiths and Peter Taylor, supported by over 50 Niche ecology staff, casuals and subcontractors.

“This is a significant milestone for the HumeLink project and a great achievement for our team. We are thrilled to continue to support Transgrid as the project now progresses towards the pre-construction phase,” said Chani Wheeler, Senior Principal Ecology at Niche.

The HumeLink project has utilised the skills and experience of Australia’s leading ecologists to drive acceptable outcomes for the protection and management of biodiversity across six Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA) subregions.

In preparing the HumeLink BDAR, Niche’s team of ecologists and Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM) accredited assessors supported by partner organisations have completed over 3,223 hours of targeted flora & fauna survey and over 13,446 fauna trap nights. Surveys have been ongoing throughout the project’s exhibition period, and will extend into construction phases to avoid and minimise impacts where possible.

The HumeLink transmission project is $4.8 billion project, providing a 365km renewable energy infrastructure spine across southern NSW. According to the NSW Government, HumeLink will create 1,600 construction jobs and is expected to drive $6.3 billion of direct and indirect investment into the regional economy. Once the project is connected to the network, it will unlock the Snowy Hydro Scheme expansion project, the Snowy 2.0 project, and provide an additional 2,200 megawatts of on-demand energy into the grid.

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