Practice Leader – Ecology

Sian is part of the Leadership group, within the ecology team at Niche. She has a particular interest in botany, with extensive experience with application of the Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM) (including Biodiversity Development Assessment Reports and Biodiversity Stewardship Site Assessment Reports), biodiversity impact assessments under State and Commonwealth legislation, vegetation surveys and mapping, biodiversity management plans and long-term biodiversity monitoring programs. Sian has experience in project management of large complex projects, has a strong knowledge of threatened species assessment and offsetting and is an accredited BAM and BioBanking assessor.
Sian’s fieldwork and project coordination skills extend to completion of extensive terrestrial flora and fauna surveys throughout the Sydney Basin and South Coast New South Wales. Drawing on her experience spanning 18 years in environmental consulting, Sian seeks opportunities to prioritise biodiversity conservation early in the development process and achieve long-term protection and management of our unique biodiversity.