Senior Principal – Ecology

Stephen is an experienced ecologist and project manager, with over 18 years’ experience in environmental consulting, working across both the private and government sectors throughout NSW. Stephen is an Accredited Assessor under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, and has a broad ecological skill set that covers terrestrial flora and fauna, with experience in botanical identification, vegetation mapping and threatened species targeted surveys. Stephen has extensive experience managing and undertaking biodiversity assessments for developments and stewardship sites (including application of the Biodiversity Assessment Method) and has a proven record of delivering Biodiversity Assessment Reports to a high standard.
Stephen has managed medium to large complex projects, including for linear infrastructure and renewable energy, and appreciates the importance of being present from project inception to delivery, and engaging with the Regulator early in the process. He has a sound knowledge of the intricacies of NSW and Commonwealth environmental legislation, not least of which is the application of the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and Commonwealth Referral process under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Stephen is committed to ensuring the requirements of local, State and Commonwealth legislation are addressed, as relevant to each project, in the deliverables prepared to achieve a seamless approval process for the client, while striving for biodiversity conservation and nature-positive outcomes.