Flying Fox Camp Management Plan
Bush Regeneration REF.

Client: Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
Industry sector: Land management
Services: Ecology and biodiversity, environmental impact assessment
Location: Kooloonbung Creek Nature Park, Port Macquarie, NSW

About this Project

The project

The project consisted of actions specified in the Flying Fox Camp Management Plan within the Kooloonbung Creek Nature Park, such as weed control, native plantings, deer protection fencing, general maintenance actives such as brush cutting, chain sawing, painting over graffiti, repairing boardwalks, as well as education and awareness programs undertaken by a volunteer group, Friends of Kooloonbung.

Our role in the project

Niche provided both environmental management and ecological services to provide environmental impact assessment regarding impacts to the local Flying Fox Camp. This included a Review of Environmental Factors and a Flora and Fauna Assessment.

Protecting biodiversity within Kooloonbung Creek Nature Park

Ecological constraints identified within the Kooloonbung Creek Nature Park included five threatened ecological communities (Coastal Saltmarsh, Freshwater Wetlands on Coastal Floodplains, Swamp Oak Floodplain Forest, Subtropical Coastal Floodplain Forest, and Swamp Sclerophyll Forest), the Flying Fox Camp and Koala habitat.

The goal of our assessment was to highlight the potential impacts to these ecological constraints and provide appropriate mitigation measures that protect the biodiversity of the park while enabling these maintenance activities to be undertaken by the volunteer group Friends of Kooloonbung.

The advantages we delivered to this project

  • Locally-based and experienced ecological and environmental consultants.
  • Innovative Volunteer Program provided beneficial outcomes to the local community and the Flying Fox Camp.

Excellence in your environment