February 24, 2022

News & Insights

Creating a sustainable future

At Niche, we care about sustaining our environment and to demonstrate our commitment we are continuing to minimise the impact of our operations through offsetting our carbon emissions.
“By measuring our organisation’s carbon footprint annually, we are able to understand the sources of our carbon emissions and explore ways to reduce them…

“We’ve reduced our carbon emissions by 20% from the previous financial year and we are confident that with the improvements we have put in place, we can reduce emissions further again this year.”

“I am proud to say that since 2018 Niche has been fully offsetting our annual emissions and operate as a carbon neutral organisation.” explains  founding director, Jamie Reeves.

How it works

Niche’s carbon audit was completed in line with Carbon Active, the Australian Federal Governments standard for carbon neutrality.

Niches emission calculation is based on all three emission Scopes, noting that Scope 3 is an optional reporting category for carbon neutrality:

Scope 1 – direct emissions produced by daily operational activities where emissions sources are owned or controlled by the company.

Scope 2 – indirect emissions produced by the on-site consumption of electricity

Scope 3 – indirect emissions produced as a consequence of conducting a business, but where there is no ownership or control (flights, trains, taxis, office equipment and other third-party services).

To compare, Niche’s total carbon emissions based on the above Scopes for 2020/21 FY were 312.8 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents, down from 389 tonnes in 2019/20 FY and 512.6 tonnes in 2018/19 FY.

Restoring our forests and carbon farming projects

“For any emissions that cannot be excluded, we have offset our impact on the environment through supporting carbon farming projects, and the reforestation of biodiverse native trees” added Jamie.

Niche’s carbon neutral partners

Aboriginal Carbon Foundation carbon credits certificate.

Niche has purchased Aboriginal-generated Australian Carbon Credit Units from the Aboriginal Carbon Foundation. The credits from the Karlantijpa North Savanna Burning project provide environmental,  social and cultural co-benefits.

We have also purchased credits from Greenfleet, an Australian not-for-profit organisation that focusses on restoring Australian forests, improving soil quality and re-establishing habitat for native wildlife, including many endangered species.

By purchasing these credits, Niche has invested in carbon farming projects that support rangers and Traditional Owners manage country; contributed to the vital reforestation of native trees; acted on climate change; and strengthened the Australian economy.

Promoting environmentally friendly habits, at home and at work

Niche’s continuing commitment to carbon neutrality reflects our core value of Care: We care for each other, our business partners, working safely and sustaining the environment. 

In addition to minimising and offsetting our carbon emissions, we are improving our sustainability, both at work and at home, through using green energy, offsetting flights where we can, and actively promoting sustainable living and waste minimisation throughout the organisation. We have added a hybrid vehicle to our fleet and our office in Bulli is solar powered, returning energy to the grid!

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