Herston Quarter –
Heritage Architect.

Client: Hutchinson Builders, Australian Unity, Urbis
Industry sector: Land development, state government
Service: Heritage Architect design and construction advice and certification
Location: Herston, Brisbane, QLD

About this Project

The project

Australian Unity is delivering Herston Quarter, a mixed-use redevelopment project in Brisbane, Queensland. The $1.1 billion redevelopment includes the adaptive reuse of several iconic heritage buildings on the site. Hutchinson Builders are contracted to deliver the works.

Herston Quarter is considered as one of the largest and most complex heritage projects currently underway in Brisbane.

The Lady Lamington Nurses’ Home, constructed in five stages from 1897 to 1939, and the Edith Cavell Block, constructed in 1922, are entered in the Queensland Heritage Register as part of the Brisbane General Hospital Precinct State heritage place.

Our role in the project

Niche’s Heritage Architect is providing design and construction advice and certificating documents as the nominated Heritage Architect for the project.

This role includes providing heritage design advice to the architects and builders, undertaking regular site inspections and providing advice during the construction works, and contributing to and certifying heritage reports such as heritage impact statements.

“It has been a great privilege to be part of the design and construction team that is seeing these wonderful buildings reborn for their new use.”

Stewart Armstrong, Heritage Architect, Brisbane

Retaining heritage significance

Respectful of Lady Lamington Building’s previous use as nurses quarters, these iconic buildings are being repurposed as student accommodation. To facilitate this new use of student accommodation, the buildings need to be upgraded to current requirements for seismic structure, fire safety, access and noise transmission while minimising the heritage impacts and retaining their heritage significance.

Having been constructed in stages as essentially six different buildings, the approach and detailing of the new work has been adjusted and adapted to suit each of the different building stages.

The Queensland Government’s Priority Development Area approval process has facilitated the progress of construction works in parallel with staged approvals to meet the tight timeframes and be ready for student admissions.

The advantages we delivered to this project

  • Building strong relationships with the builders, contractors, architects and regulators to help facilitate the progress of heritage applications and approvals.
  • Being available on site to discuss critical issues and negotiate practical solutions.

Excellence in your environment